Gills unsu
We ask for a minimum annual donation of £5 for individuals to become a paid-up member of Wild Maidenhead. Children can join without charge. Our membership year runs from February to January. If you join from December or January in any year, we usually extend your membership to last 13 or 14 months.
1. Paying by Standing Order
It only takes a few minutes to set up a Standing Order with your bank to pay your annual donation. It makes a big difference to us as it significantly reduces the amount of volunteer admin time to chase up bank payments which have been forgotten.
The easiest way is to set up a standing order using your banking app on your smart phone or via online banking. Wild Maidenhead’s bank details to do this are:
Account name: Wild Maidenhead
Sort code: 08-92-99
Account number: 65806935
Your reference: [first name] [last name] and 'sub'. Example: John Smith sub
Then see Important Next Step below.
2. Paying via Paypal
Alternatively, please make your donation via PayPal:

Then see Important Next Step below.
3. Paying via BACS/online bank payment
Use these bank details to make a one-off donation to us from your online bank account:
Account name: Wild Maidenhead
Sort code: 08-92-99
Account number: 65806935
Then see Important Next Step below.
For any membership enquiries or queries please email wildmaidenhead@gmail.com.
Click here if you would like a corporate membership.
IMPORTANT NEXT STEP: Please fill in the membership form below (on a PC or tablet) so we can match your membership details to your payment. You won't be able to see the form on a mobile device. You can also use this form to notify us of children's memberships which do not involve a donation.