Oaken Grove

Oaken Grove Park is owned by RBWM, covers 8 hectares and is located in the built up area of North West Maidenhead.
Wild Maidenhead founder Rachel Cook has worked with RBWM to establish four new wild flowerbeds opposite the children’s play park and the long grass field margins. New wild Nectar Bar flowerbeds were planted in 2015 and are alive with insects. A new hedge was planted in 2015 too. One of the large Oaks was blown over last winter and this has now become an official log pile for creatures and children.
The council have erected many different signs, explaining the wild flowers, the long grass areas and hedgerow, the log pile and the nature trail. A local group, Eco@Oaken on Facebook, have spearheaded the transformation of the park and surrounding areas to improve it for wildlife and welcome more volunteer members.